Welcome to The Pine Island Food Pantry

Providing food assistance for those in need.

Pine Island Food Pantry Logo
12175 Stringfellow Road Bokeelia, FL 33922 USADonate

SPOTS Holiday Food Drive

Regan Rent, SPOTS salesperson and Diane Gleason, Pl Food Pantry Treasurer, in front of Christmas tree surrounded by food donations.

SPOTS Ice Cream, Crepes & Sauces: A big thanks to SPOTS for hosting a holiday food drive for the Pine Island Food Pantry.

Aimee Gantt, owner of SPOTS, collected non-perishable food items in December and donated them to the food pantry.
Please stop in this season and try their many flavors of ice cream / sorbet.
All soooo Yummy! You're the best Aimee.

Thank you for your service to our Island!

SPOTS Ice Cream

Location: 10700 Rd. Bokeelia
Phone: (239) 966-4306
Email: Spotsicecream@gmail.com

Cover image
Happy Holidays Pine Island Style.
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